Yuriy Gnatyuk

Tech entrepreneur. Founder and COO at KindGeek.

ChatGPT: the future of business or another viral AI text bot?

Introduction ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that is designed to simulate a human conversation. It is based on…

2 years ago

WEB 3.0 and ICP role in this brave new world

The 2021 WebSummit in Lisbon brought up many intriguing companies and tech innovators. One of my most prominent discoveries was…

3 years ago

Information overdose: how to manage your mental health while working in IT

Work in the IT field means being constantly surrounded by gadgets and social media: calls with clients, briefings, staying up…

3 years ago

Why fact-checking is a key skill in the deepfake era

Yuriy Gnatyuk, СOO of KindGeek, explains what is deepfake and why it has become an emerging AI phenomenon.

4 years ago

European Super League – is that the right step in the evolution of football or sport absolute evil?

Yuriy Gnatyuk, СEO of KindGeek, explains the controversies behind ESL and why it has become a number one topic in…

4 years ago

What is BitClout: a new big player or..? Thoughts on the new social network with its own cryptocurrency

What is BitClout? Who would have thought that 2021 would be so rich in new social networks? We haven’t even…

4 years ago