Recently updated on May 30, 2024
We are thrilled to announce that our app-development expertise was recognized by and Yahoo Finance. We made it into the top app developers companies in July in the third place.
3. The KindGeek team is made up of technology-focused professionals who emphasize the client experience. They aim to help entrepreneurs and companies with technical aspects of their projects, allowing them to focus on the business while KindGeek handles software development.
With years of polishing our iOS and Android app-development capacity, we are happy to be among companies who continuously push the envelope to deliver streamlined, beautiful, and engaging mobile experiences for users.
This top is a nice reminder that we are on the right track of delivering quality products for an active mobile market “with over 2.7 billion smartphone users worldwide and consumer app spending expected to hit $156.5 billion by 2022.”
We will continue to push forward and deliver relevant apps to ensure the maximum business value for our clients, who entrusted us with their visions and thus gave us the opportunity to manifest our expertise. Thank you!
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