Recently updated on March 25, 2024
It’s always pleasant when your hard work is recognized.
Today, on the 3rd of September, which is also the Entrepreneurs’ Day in Ukraine, KindGeek Software and our social project LvivLand received
“The award for the valuable contribution to the development of the IT industry, effective implementation of technological innovations, and strengthening of Lviv’s brand in Ukraine and Globally.”

About LvivLand
LvivLand is a digital manifestation of our Social Responsibility, one of KindGeek’s core corporate values. We created this project with the idea to promote our city, to show the world that Lviv is a place of beauty and opportunities.
The city council gave this award to entrepreneurs from different industries who “create new jobs, scrupulously pay their taxes, and provide the best service.”

However, for our company, this achievement is first and foremost proof that our social initiatives are meaningful and contribute to the well-being of the city and its people. It inspires us and gives us more energy to continue our work.
We thank the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi, the city council for this recognition. However, our biggest thanks go to our team because KindGeek’s achievements are the results of their efforts.