
How to Develop Vaccination Tracker Healthcare App

5 Mins read
People accept the fact that mass vaccination is the most effective measure of preventing infectious diseases. It prevents 2 to 3 million deaths each year. One more essential fact is the vaccination is a critical step in reducing child mortality. At the crazy pace of day-to-day living in a modern world, it is difficult to remember when the next shot should be done or the serial number of the vaccine for future reference. As it is important, the digital application industry offers a decision by building immunization trackers.

Healthcare Technology in Pandemic Time: How Healthcare Technology is Responding to the COVID-19

6 Mins read
And while the majority of meaningful changes that will help the HealthCare industry now and in the future are on political reforms, additional investments, raised salaries, bigger personnel, and better management, advancing technology in healthcare can make its valuable contribution as well. The shock and sheer scale of the crisis were also a source of inspiration and determination to launch new tech initiatives that would help the HealthCare industry and mitigate its current and possible hardships.

Clinical Decision Support Systems: Do They Enhance Care and Cut Costs?

6 Mins read
The HealthCare industry is a high-stakes environment where making decisions is a tough process, which often treads the line between life and death of other people. And, even when the stakes aren’t that high, everyday decisions may affect the further quality of patients’ lives and how successful their recovery from the illness is going to be.

How to Build Laboratory Inventory Management Software: Features and Development Costs

6 Mins read
Lab inventory management is where you have to do a lot of mundane repetitive work, which a human mind despises, to ensure that the lab can run efficiently and the employees have everything they need where and when they need it. Overall, inventory management is a cumbersome and a taxing process, which has no right to be so clunky and clumsy in the era of automation. Thus, the desire to build lab inventory software is a natural and a well-justified decision, which will go a long way in ensuring cost-efficiency, decreasing workload, and decreasing the probability of errors.

How to Develop Billing Software for a Medical Laboratory

4 Mins read
After the work has been done, money should be sent, employees should be paid, taxes should be done. The laboratory billing process is also a complicated, bureaucratic task that throws quite a lot of additional work onto an already huge heap of responsibilities. It’s quite easy to make a slip in this complex environment and cause yourself and the lab a lot of trouble. Fortunately, the software is here to minimize the possibility of slips and maximize the efficiency of the lab as a whole.

How to Make Your Telemedicine Platform HIPAA-Compliant

6 Mins read
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) — depending on your occupation this name can ring a bell for you. And, if your work responsibilities included the development of telemedicine software for the US market the ring of this bell can be a little anxious-inducing. Developing a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform is a painstaking, business analysis-heavy process, which is absolutely required to protect the sensitive data HealthCare apps deal with and avoid outrageously high fines.