
How Technology Changes the Face of Education: Development of Education Products in 2020

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The recent events showed the world that remote education isn’t only efficient if properly implemented but essential for the safety of students and teachers. If previously, the popularity of traditional education was in decline because of the availability of online courses, remote programs from top universities, and the abundance of free information on the Internet, now, the calls for a paradigm change in education are as loud as ever. Technology and educational establishments respond to the calls and do their best to keep up with the pace and adapt to the ever-changing demands.

Education with Technology: Automation is Necessity

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Small steps will make a huge difference. Decreasing the amount of wasted paper is the first one. But education should go further. The Medical Faculty of the University of Basel did (yes, again). This time, the University decided to create BeAxi service that would allow students of the medical faculty to pass exams remotely, using their laptops or even iPads. By doing so, the University demonstrates that it cares about its students and realizes that it is actually 21st century outside and dinosaurs are extinct.