With our other perfect satisfied reviews, the B2B resource platform Clutch.co ranked us atop the 2020 list of Clutch leaders! We’re incredibly honored.
Recently, our co-founder and COO, Yuriy Gnatyuk gave an extensive interview to GoodFrims about KindGeek, its history, and its many features.
We are thrilled to announce that our app-development expertise was recognized by AppDevelopersListing.com and Yahoo Finance. We made it into the top app developers companies in July in the third place.
We are proud that our company has been recognized by Techreviewer.co as one of the leading PHP development company in 2020 — it is a proof to our work and dedication as well as additional motivation to improve and be more creative and innovative. Continuous improvement is the mechanism that drives KindGeek.
At KindGeek, we care about our customers. We believe that the only way to achieve outstanding results is to do the right things with the right people.
We are thrilled to announce that KindGeek has been named a top B2B company on Clutch!
In light of our efforts, we’ve been featured highly as a leading mobile app development company on the Clutch 1000! This is a list of the top B2B service provides across the globe, verified by Clutch’s market research. We’re #499 on the list, one out of over 200 mobile app development companies, but only one out of 22 Lviv, Ukraine based firms.
We’re excited to announce that our hard work has paid off! We’ve been recognized as a top app developer in Ukraine by Clutch!
As the leading global platform for B2B ratings and reviews, Clutch collects verified information on service providers from around the world by conducting in-depth client interviews.
Our co-founders, Anton Skrypnyk and Yuriy Gnatyuk were a part of the Ukrainian Trade Mission to Norway organized by the Ukrainian Export Promotion Office. The mission’s goal was to establish strategic and business partnerships between Ukrainian and Norwegian companies. Spoilers: the mission was more than successful in reaching its goal.
Today, on the 3rd of September, which is also the Entrepreneurs’ Day in Ukraine, KindGeek Software and our social project LvivLand received
“The award for the valuable contribution to the development of the IT industry, effective implementation of technological innovations, and strengthening of Lviv’s brand in Ukraine and Globally.”