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How to Develop Billing Software for a Medical Laboratory

4 Mins read
After the work has been done, money should be sent, employees should be paid, taxes should be done. The laboratory billing process is also a complicated, bureaucratic task that throws quite a lot of additional work onto an already huge heap of responsibilities. It’s quite easy to make a slip in this complex environment and cause yourself and the lab a lot of trouble. Fortunately, the software is here to minimize the possibility of slips and maximize the efficiency of the lab as a whole.

How to Make Your Telemedicine Platform HIPAA-Compliant

6 Mins read
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) — depending on your occupation this name can ring a bell for you. And, if your work responsibilities included the development of telemedicine software for the US market the ring of this bell can be a little anxious-inducing. Developing a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform is a painstaking, business analysis-heavy process, which is absolutely required to protect the sensitive data HealthCare apps deal with and avoid outrageously high fines.

Building an Uber-like App for Trucks

5 Mins read
Let’s hit that cheesy metaphor quota right from the start and be done with it. So, trucks are like hemoglobin of the world economy transporting important stuff through the concrete vessels of the lands to keep the markets breathing and people consuming. And trucks do it at an unimaginably high rate. In the US alone, there 3.5 million professional truckers, and this number is still isn’’t enough. And while the economy does not seem like chilling out (except for when its plans get interrupted by the unforgiving Mother Nature and bats), the demand for truck services will continue to grow.

How to Create an Online Marketplace

7 Mins read
Do people still build online marketplaces? Hell yeah, they do. More than half of all online marketplaces were launched in the last 7 years. The market continues to grow, people are more willing to buy and sell, online, new countries enter the level of economic prosperity that is just right for online marketplaces. The opportunities are ripe to harvest.
FinTechSoftware Outsourcing

Digital Transformation in Banking: From Divine Loans to Neobanks

10 Mins read
Fast backward to ancient Babylonia, 1800 BC give or take several hundred years (yeah, no historic accuracy for us here). Imagine you are a farmer named Abum-kila-ilim, and you need a loan because the latest harvest wasn’t spectacular, your livestock is underfed, and you… you’re quite likely underfed as well. Where would you go? That’s right: to the shrine of Shamash, the sun-god and the lord of justice and righteousness!

Creating a Telemedicine Platform

6 Mins read
With the fitness obsession; the rapid growth of the healthy foods market; the popularity of the self-care idea; and current coronavirus events that entangled the world with the slithery tentacles of anxiety, health consciousness is on the rise. Still, going to a hospital in case of health issues is not at the top of people’s “do it ASAP!” lists though.

KindGeek Donated to Emergency Hospital in Lviv

1 Mins read
“This is a critical time during which we have to mobilize. Individuals, volunteers, small and medium-sized businesses should act together to help fight the virus spreading. This time our enemy is invisible. However, fear and indifference are even more dangerous enemies.”