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Our Culture

Location matters

2 Mins read
Although location lost its value nowadays, especially for those working in IT, there is a lack of information and a deep abyss of stereotypes about Ukraine and Lviv in particular in the world’s outlook. For this reason, we created such project as LvivLand, which would like to become your personal videopedia about Lviv…

What makes users happy today

1 Mins read
While a huge amount of users (and the Earth’s population) are joining the iPhone 8 and iPhone X announcement, we also enjoy the news’ atmosphere. But what about development and upgrades for your apps?

So what's special about ICO

2 Mins read
Initial Coin Offering (or ICO) is kind of crowdfunding used by startups to raise money for some short period. It is similar to IPO (initial public offering), but with cryptocurrency and unregulated state. So, that’s a great and fast way to raise big money for the startup, but a little bit risky. ICO’s create liquidity and growth equity without giving up equity in most cases.

Time to save you from Spam

2 Mins read
Spam affects our lives all over the internet. Sometimes you don’t even know that this is spam in front of you. So, what spam actually is? How are we going to detect it? What can we do next?
Our Geeks

Dream and Act, the way to implementation

2 Mins read
The main topic is incredibly powerful and simple “Dream and act”. Anton Skrypnyk is KindGeek’s CEO, Lviv Business School’s MSc in Technology Management program alumni and father of two kinds, lecturer in Lviv Polytechnic National University. “It is great to perceive that in my class above 75% of students are working already, while in another one – only 10%, and I personally and KindGeek want to be the ‘wave”, which makes good viral initiatives and push the action.”