Our co-founders, Anton Skrypnyk and Yuriy Gnatyuk were a part of the Ukrainian Trade Mission to Norway organized by the Ukrainian Export Promotion Office. The mission’s goal was to establish strategic and business partnerships between Ukrainian and Norwegian companies. Spoilers: the mission was more than successful in reaching its goal.
As a result, in just half a century, life expectancy increased by 30 years. The pace of HealthCare’s evolution has been mindblowing.
However, the 21st century’s HealthCare sector has new challenges to overcome. While scientists continue searching for new cures, the organizational crisis approaches. This crisis undermines the efficiency of the Medical establishments and takes its toll on the personnel. Perhaps, automation of HealthCare can provide required help and effectively treat the crisis’s symptoms.
Today, on the 3rd of September, which is also the Entrepreneurs’ Day in Ukraine, KindGeek Software and our social project LvivLand received
“The award for the valuable contribution to the development of the IT industry, effective implementation of technological innovations, and strengthening of Lviv’s brand in Ukraine and Globally.”
Sometimes, people use the label “Business English” as an excuse to write/say fancy sentences saturated with synonyms from Thesaurus, complicated constructions, and unnecessary passive voice. Such sentences create the dragon that kills the liveliness of the language and makes our sentences clumsy, redundant, and sometimes difficult to understand. It alienates a writer from the audience.
In the article “QA is the New Black,” we argued that the “new-age” Quality Assurance professionals should ensure the test-driven development throughout all stages of a product’s life-cycle, starting from the conceptual level. Threat modeling is a powerful methodology that complements the test-driven development and can elevate the security and quality of a product to a whole new level.
Serverless is a cloud computing model that allows creating software without spending time developing and adjusting server infrastructure because specialized computers do it for them.
Don’t let the name “serverless” deceive you. There are still special servers that handle all the server tackling automatically, without developers’ interference. As serverless.com put it, “Just like wireless internet has wires somewhere, serverless architecture still has servers somewhere.”
Yes, you’ve read it right. Quality Assurance indeed can be the new black. However, the definitions of what exactly is QA are blurring. A modern Quality Assurance Professionals need to have a peculiar set of skills to ride the wave, but the wave is completely worth riding.
Recently updated on July 22, 2024The majority of banking interactions today are shifting online, increasing the demand for secure, user-friendly mobile banking…
Imagine a hall with hundreds of people who sit in front of a well-lit stage. A person in a slick suit enters the stage, approaches the microphone, clears the throat and says, “Hello, we are KindGeek, and we don’t have a traditional sales team.” A soft round of applause from the viewers who nod understandingly fills the room. The person gives the applause to fade away and continues, “I think a lot of you can relate to our story. We started small.