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How to Choose a Payment Service Providers

5 Mins read
Payment providers (or payment gateways) are legion, so it is really easy to fall a victim to analysis paralysis while trying to choose the one that will power up your business. You should decide which payment provider to use based on the type of service you provide and a market you want to target.

What to Consider Creating a Fintech App

4 Mins read
Security, security, and security. Have I mentioned security? FinTech software deals with money, and the very first thing people want when the deal gets to their money is security (duh). Fintech applications become more intuitive and easy to use with every day, which is awesome but also not that much.

Is Java the Best Coding Language for Finance and Why?

4 Mins read
Java dominates work interviews; 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java; Java reigns over the Finance industry; it is quite possible that one of your acquaintances learns Java; even your smart fridge most likely runs on Java. Java is everywhere and for a reason. This language is armed with everything required to create reliable and viable applications of all sorts and Fintech stuff in particular.

Mobile Banking App Development: Best Practices & Costs

11 Mins read
The majority of people still ‘bank’ in an old-school traditional way with often visits to the departments, cumbersome or expensive P2P money transfers, and the unmistakable fragrance of bureaucracy. Though there is still some style to traditional banking due to its exquisite institutional posturing, old buildings with classical tang, and ages-long history of intricate financial manipulations, the views and desires of people shift towards the magnetic convenience of mobile-only banking apps.